DDN AI Data Summit at GTC25
San Jose, CA | 17th March | 2PM (PT)

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High-Performance Storage for AI

The DDN Data, HPC & AI Summit 2022

On Demand: DDN’s Annual User Group Conference | Dallas, TX 2022

The Next-Generation Accelerated Data Center for HPC and AI

Marc Hamilton | VP Solutions Architecture | NVIDIA

High performance computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are fuelling the advancement of scientific discovery and business innovation. Join Marc Hamilton of NVIDIA to learn about the next wave of technologies and innovations transforming the world of AI and computational science, from the data center to the cloud and to the edge.


Alex Bouzari  |  CEO  |  DDN

Paul Bloch  |  President and Co-Founder  | DDN

Alex Bouzari and Paul Bloch welcome you to the DDN User Group at SC22, and provide their perspectives on the trends and innovations coming soon in AI and HPC.

NCSA Taiga: Research-Focused Storage

JD Maloney |  Senior HPC Storage Engineer |  NCSA

JD Maloney, of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, gives an overview of the Taiga storage architecture used by both research and private sector customers.

C-DAC – Building a National HPC Strategy for India

Mr. Sanjay Wandhekar |  Senior Director |  C-DAC, India

Mr. Sanjay Wandhekar is the Senior Director at C-DAC, the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing in India. Sanjay presents National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) activities across India, which include the implementing of Supercomputing facilities and ecosystem development, and development of critical HPC technologies.

Finding Nano-Scale Needles in a Peta-Scale Haystack

Krishna Muriki | HPC Architect/Systems Design Engineer | KLA

Krishna Muriki presents an overview of the challenges of manufacturing silicon chips at scale – in particular, how to check a foot-wide silicon wafer for defects which are just a few nanometers in size. KLA’s vision inspection systems need to scan entire wafers at high speed for real-time defect analysis, and archive the images long-term for process diagnostics and machine learning.

HiPerGator 3 – Balancing multiple workloads and conflicting demands

Erik Deumens |  Research Computing Senior Director |  University of Florida

Erik Deumens shares his experience of balancing multiple workloads and resource allocations on large-scale supercomputers, including the HiPerGator family of systems.

Data-Enabled Scientific Computing at SDSC

Amit Majumdar  |  Division Director, Data Enabled Scientific Computing Division |  SDSC

SDSC Voyager is an NSF funded Category-II supercomputer for exploring AI in science and engineering applications. Amit Majumdar gives an overview of the Voyager system, based on Intel’s Habana Lab AI processors, and provides a unique opportunity to use AI focused hardware for exploring AI in science and engineering.

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